Transcendent worship of Jesus Christ
in the Anglo-Catholic Tradition since 1924
Coming Up at Our Saviour
Construction of our new Rose High Mass set has begun.
How can you help?
Bring gently worn SILK ties to church to be donated or click here to sponsor this gorgeous, holy project.
Weekly Services
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 9 am-1 pm
Church Offices are located
at 985 Los Angeles Avenue, Atlanta GA
Weekdays - in the Lady Chapel
Mon-Thu 9am Morning Prayer / Angelus
Tue 11:30 am Holy Rosary
Tue 12:10 pm Holy Mass
Wed 5:30 pm Mass with Unction and Prayers for Healing
Thurs 5:45-6:45 pm Confession
Thurs 7 pm Holy Mass
(no incense at weekday masses)
Church of Our Saviour
is a Rite I
(traditional language) Parish
Families with Children