Sunday Children’s Formation
Nursery for Small Children
(up to age 5)
8:45am to end of mass
Location: Nursery
(From the church nave and looking at the altar, turn left and go through that door. The nursery is straight ahead.)
Formation is offered from September 8, 2024 until May 11, 2025, excluding holidays. Click here for a schedule.
Godly Play for Children of All Ages
Location: Upper Garrison Hall
(Garrison is the separate building with an awning opposite the church)
Young Theologians
YT is a pre-Confirmation class for older children in at least third grade who regularly attend the mass with their parents, show interest, and have reached a certain level of maturity which will allow them to participate effectively in a more intense class setting.
Location: Lady Chapel
Download a registration form for your child here. Give the form to any teacher or volunteer.

If you are in middle school or high school, join our new Youth Group! We meet Sunday nights from 5-7 pm Sundays in the Youth Room in Lower Garrison Hall. Garrison is the brick building next to the main church.
Click here for the schedule.
Episcopal Youth Community!
Did you know that the Diocese of Atlanta has complementary youth events, too? Click here for a schedule of events!